ASHBY — The town is witnessing a revival of one of its most cherished landmarks – the Ashby Grange Hall. Nestled on the historic Town Common, this iconic building has witnessed centuries of life in the area, serving as a Town Hall, church, school, and social hall.
Recently, a group of enthusiastic locals has banded together under the banner of “Friends of the Ashby Grange” to spearhead the restoration and rehabilitation of this beloved structure. Their aim is to breathe new life into the Grange Hall, ensuring it continues to be a focal point for community activities for generations to come.
“The genesis of this endeavor was marked by a potluck at the Ashby Free Public Library organized by the Friends of the Ashby Grange, where locals came together to show their support and dedication to the cause,” said Heather Perry, library director, Ashby Free Public Library.
Among those in attendance was Doug Leab, a member of the Select Board, who pledged his support to the restoration efforts.